Donnerstag, 15. April 2021

Technisat Szenenschalter 1 ( Technisat scene controller 1 with 4 buttons)


for everybody wondering how to include this device or what device handler to use and so on... I am using this device as a small remote for some lights with my Vera Lite. As the device was not readily in the list of a possbile "new device", I just added it as the HKZW-SCN04-V1.0 from Hank.

First, charge the "battery" all the way. Check the manual. Inclusion is via the center button, tripple click. 

It appears that most of the Technisat Z-wave products are just rebranded Hank devices, so using the appropriate settings and handlers like the original Hank device works just fine. As with all device inclusion on Vera Lite, I recommend doing it via the App, not the WebUI. 

In Vera, the buttons are mapped as per below image.

In the device options, there will be a menu where you can assign scenes to the different actions of buttons. Or you can use the remote as "trigger" when creating scenes in the scene editor. Whatever you do, stick with one version. Also, it is best to control devices or lights via scenes. It should be possible to link the remote directly to a device but I can't be bothered to set this up.

If you want to assign the function ON and OFF to let's say one button on the remote, say to "toggle" a light on or off depending if it is on or off already, there is a way to do this. You don'd need two buttons/scenes, one for ON, one for OFF. 

What we need, is to "toggle" the controlled device, which means "change to the other state" and not tell them what exact state to go to. To toggle a device in Vera Lite (or Ezlo ???), create a scene for this (best with manual trigger, if you assign this scene to the button) purpose. Go to the advanced editor and add an action, choose your device/light and there look for something called "toggle". Worked for me.

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